Monday, October 4, 2010

Abortion: A tough blog to read, but probably even tougher to write.

When I was a teenager I went to a Teen Health Clinic. I went because I was too scared and embarrassed to go to my family doctor to get what I will call, a “female check-up”. When I was there I had two terrifying experiences. As I waited for my turn in the clinic, I watched many teen girls come in and out of the clinic. I even got to hear some of their stories. The most vivid memory I have from my visit at the clinic was the time I spent talking with a 15-year-old girl that had already had 2 abortions. This was my first terrifying experience. I’m not sure why she was in the clinic, but it could very possibly have been her third abortion. I felt horrified at she told me about the abortions she had. She seemed so calm about the fact that she has terminated two pregnancies, extinguished the life of two precious children.

Looking back my heart aches for those two children. But, my heart also aches for that girl. I have no doubt that behind that confidant facade, that young girl was breaking inside. There is no possible way that anyone can walk away from an abortion and be unchanged. This brings me to my second terrifying experience while at the clinic. I was told countless times by various nurses I spoke with that day that I too would become pregnant. I was not pregnant at the time, but the women assured me that like many of the young women I had seen that day, I too would become one of them if I did not stop what I was doing. I remember feeling horrified at the thought of being pregnant. At the thought of making the horrible choice to raise my child, give my child away..or abort my child.

When I left the clinic I didn’t change.

Now, I’m 21-years-old, and I’m getting married in 7 months. Lately a maternal instinct that I never had before has been stirring within me. I’m no longer at a point in my life where having a child scares me, where I have to consider giving up my child, or aborting him or her. But, I was at that point, and I did think those thoughts. This is why I feel empathy for all of the young women out there that have to make this tough decision. I acknowledge that this is a tough decision, not because it should be, but because the pressures of this world and of other people make it that way. Abortion is legal in Canada, it is supported by doctors, nurses, teachers, and even our parents. But, it should not be this way.

I feel so strongly about this issue because it is so close to my heart, and the experiences I have had in life. When I was a teenager I was told by health professionals that I would become pregnant. I didn’t listen to their warnings, and I didn’t get pregnant. However, I often think why? My answer: because it was God’s Will. Had I become pregnant, it is likely that I may have had an abortion. If I had an abortion, I’m not so sure I would be the same person I am today, I am not even sure if I would be. I believe that God has a plan for me, and even though I didn’t listen to Him for most of my teenage years, He was there for me. This is why I need to stand up, and say something.

Thank you Jesus for protecting me from disease, death, and pregnancy. Please use my words to heal other women who have had to make these tough decisions. If you are reading this, and you have made the wrong decisions in the past, that doesn’t mean that your whole life has to be defined by wrong decisions. I would love to pray for you. There is healing in Jesus Christ. He nailed our sin to the cross, and paid the price for my sin and yours. I believe that all aborted children are in heaven with our Lord. Wouldn’t it be awful if you didn’t get to see your child because you didn’t respond to the Cross?

Please contact me if you need prayer. I would love to hear your story.


  1. firstly, i am happy that you have found a strong connection to your faith again! i am glad that you feel a good change in your life, and that your new influences are more positive than your previous ones.

    i can say though that i'm disappointed to hear how quickly you turn against the support of abortion. i understand the religious connotation which is involved with the pro-choice side of the argument--but i strongly feel that it's based on old interpretations rather than new progressive thought.

    i hope you're not abandoning the support and options base that you (as an informed and diligent teenager) had, simply because you're older now and have found a stronger conviction to a particular group of teachings from your faith.

    perhaps God does work in mysterious ways--i just don't want the mystery of how things are to be interpreted to shake the solid foundations of a woman who was once a strong believer in freedom of choice.

    much love and respect. i hope you're doing well.

  2. Wow, powerful words. You are so honest and I appreciate your sincerity and strong convictions. Personally, I agree with you. Keep telling your story.

  3. Brianna, you know how many times I have prayed that exact same prayer - thanking God you aren't diseased, dead or pregnant? lol - oh how the Lord is good.

    And anonymous #1: I don't believe that Brianna is at all saying that freedom of choice should not be allowed. In fact, she is simply expressing her beliefs under that exact assumption.

    It is sad how women believe they are exercising their rights to abort a child when there are THOUSANDS of people on lists waiting to adopt a child.

  4. Abortion is a tough issue, and a sensitive one, but when it comes to choice, as Christian's, it is necessary to submit to God's will and his authority. Abortion is murder and we are told not to murder therefore abortion is evil. That may sound Harsh but it is true. We are created in the image of God so we have no right to destroy another human.
    I am excited one day to have beautiful children of my own and am honoured to be marrying a women who fears God and not man.

  5. I think the thing that makes religion such a powerful entity is its openness to interpretation. Even amongst the umbrella of Christianity there are multiple sects who all can no longer agree on a simple set of black and white rules.

    I continue to find it disappointing that seemingly multitudes of people are simply accepting and submitting to biblical interpretations from five hundred years ago.

    I would never question the rights of anyone to their own set of beliefs. I just think it's unfair for blanketing religious statements to be continuously used as shields to deflect societal change.

    Why use scare tactics such as the "disappointment of God" and that "abortion is evil" to frighten women away from choices they should be educated about. Doesn't it make more sense to inform and educate women about what options exist for them?

    Can't we all just love and support one another? Is there no way for a 21st century woman to make choices about her own body without someone reminding her that she faces a fiery future in the depths of hell?

    What would Jesus do? Would he chastise a woman in need of support? Or would he sit patiently by her side, supporting her while she made her own choices?

    I wish you all happiness and peace. I am sorry that we cannot see eye to eye on this issue! :)

  6. Brianna, you have such a beautiful heart, and you're willingness to be so open and honest shows just how fiercely you love the Lord! It's amazing cuz even from a distance, I see you love Daniel like no other and I honestly believe that the more we love the One who created him, the more evident our love for other human beings becomes... I see that in you!

    This particular subject is also very close to my heart! I hear the argument that we should just support and love the woman in need - and I agree 100%! Jesus taught us by his own life to LOVE one another in a practical and substantial manner. But love and support does not always translate into silence and cooperation. Sometimes the most loving thing to do is stand up for the person in admonishment. It's like when a parent warns their child to look both ways before they cross the street, or instructs them to eat their vegetables - it's not a violation of the kids right to cross without looking or to choose not to eat those healthy veggies -it's a loving way of preventing that child from some pretty scary repercussions. The parent does these things to protect, support and love their child. And that is exactly what Brianna it doing.

    We are supposed to love one another... don't count the unborn out of that equation. When it comes to abortion I think the one thing we tend to neglect is that this whole "womans right to choose" in relation to abortion affects another human being. It's not just her choice for herself, it's her choice for another person. And unless we can all agree that I have the right to murder anyone who will make my life more difficult (which I would NEVER do... just for the record), then maybe we need to re-think how a womans rights should be able to snuff out the childs right to live.

    Love you Bri!


  7. Thank you everybody for reading my post, it means a lot to me that you would even consider what I have to say about this very very touchy topic.

    What I found interesting is that those that were against my position focused on my interpretation of Christ and my faith, rather than the abortion issue itself. My faith effects every aspect of my life, so of course it will effect my opinion on abortion. However, abortion is not a "faith issue". There are plenty of people that would claim to be pro-life and not claim any religious conviction. I do not believe that holding the position that life begins at conception is an "old-fasioned" or outdated belief. It may not be what you believe, but it does not mean that I am living in a 500-year-old biblical interpretation.

    I think that Melisa said it best when she said that we are supposed to love every body, even the unborn. It's unfair to call me (or other pro-lifers) cruel because we do not believe that women should have the right to terminate a pregnancy, especially for convienience (I'm not talking about the other grey areas such as when a woman's life is in danger). It is unloving not to consider the unborn child who has not committed any crime, and certainly does not deserve the punishment of death.

    The pro-choice movement has given a voice to the women who wish to be spoken for. Who is going to stand up and give a voice to the unborn child if we don't?

  8. As someone who is pro-choice, I am a strong believer that there needs to be an equal voice on both sides of this argument.

    All of humanity needs support and guidance and I am very glad to know that there are options floating around to suit the needs of each individual. I really hope that both sides of this issue cool down a bit, and find a cooperative existence amongst one another.

    Some women need God; Some women need science. I am glad both are equally available--but I am heartbroken that both are equally oppressive of one another.

  9. I'm sorry that you feel that way. I encourage both pro-choice and pro-life opinions to comment on this post.

    However, when it comes to an issue as important, and as sensitive as this, there is going to be very strong opinions. I hope you do not interpret my viewpoint as oppressive, since I do not feel I am oppressing others who think differently than me. But, of course when it comes to the life of a child I do feel very strongly about voicing that I am against abortion.

    I pray that nobody posting on this feels that they are being personally attacked. If you do, I apologize sincerely.

  10. Any girl in the teen years or beyond who has played with fire may be able to relate to the situation Brianna says she's been in. Most girls Brianna's age are still in that chapter. I think it is quite natural for Brianna as she enters the next chapter of her life to be reminded of those thoughts as she starts to think of the babies she hopes to have someday soon.
    So is it is my feeling that one day when every young mother holds her precious child in their arms that they will understand what was in her heart when she wrote this.
    From a mother who understands.

  11. It bothers me so much when young, or older women talk about abortion and the right to terminate a pregnancy as if it is nothing. A young girl that I know, recently went through the exact same thing of this nature. It rocks me to the core, as it did her and her family's to pick the option of abortion. She felt there was no other way out. I feel that it is not our decision to take a child's life. It is A LIFE!!! In the form of a zygote, an embryo, or a fetus,this is still a baby, unfortunately a great deal of people do not see it this way, and therefore why should it matter it was never even a real baby to begin with.....I think that is just pure selfishness.

    "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you." Jeremiah 1:5

    Thank you for your post Brianna, it really touched my heart.

  12. Wow. That was really interesting to read Brianna. Thank you for your openness and honesty.

    May God bless you as you go into your new married life, and may he also continue to use your blogs to encourage others of the hope and life that they can have in Christ.
