My prayer for this blog is that Christ would speak through me. If these words are not honouring to God they are counted as meaningless and empty. But, if these words speak truth (because of Christ Jesus, and not me) than no matter who hates the words that are written, they will count for something, and they will be sweet to the ears of my Lord. To Him be all Glory and Power and Praise.
“a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” Psalm 51: 17
David wrote these words after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba. I think that there is one word that can stir up many emotions and memories in us all: Broken. After David had committed adultery with Bathsheba, and knowingly sent her husband into a battle that would kill him, David felt broken. This week I have felt so broken. I have prayed for a gentle and quiet spirit. I have prayed for strength to overcome temptation, and for humility and peace and a deeper understanding of grace. But, I have still felt broken in my sin, past, present, and future.
As I have been praying and seeking God in His Word I have realized that perhaps my brokenness is an answer to my prayers. My brokenness causes me to acknowledge my sin, continually repent before God, and seek a life-change that I cannot produce on my own. Instead of taking my sin into my own hands, I have given it to God. I cannot be in control. I am too tired, and too weak to fight this battle on my own anymore.
Charles Spurgeon says,
“The fifty-first Psalm is the photograph of a contrite spirit. Let us seek after the like brokenness of heart; for however excellent our words may be, if our heart is not conscious of the hell-deservingness of sin, we cannot expect to find forgiveness.”
The words in Psalm 51 bring me to my knees in repentance. They also bring me great joy, for God will not despise our broken hearts. How much more does our Father have to prove his love for us? He took our sin with him to the cross. The eternal and true God, Jesus Christ, in his perfection, took our sin and our filth and made it his own, paying our due penalty on the cross. How much more will our Father do for us then?
Why are you broken? What sins have you committed that bring you to your knees in despair? Nothing is bigger than Him, and he has paid it all so that we can be free. I pray that if you do not know Jesus, that you will surrender your life to Him. Only in Christ will you find forgiveness and freedom from sin and eternal life in Heaven. Where will you go when you die? The decision to seek Christ and honour and obey Him will be the most life-changing and important decision that you make.
If you do know Christ, then embrace the freedom that you have from sin! This is something that I continually struggle with. Through Christ Jesus we have died to sin, and it no longer has any power over us. I pray that you would seek God to change the areas in your life that you see sin. That you would trust in the forgiveness found in Christ, and no longer live in the shame of past sins.
We must turn to Jesus in all that we do. The moment that we take anything into our hands, whether it is our finances, our marriages, our time-management, or our jobs, they will crumble. Please Jesus teach this Truth to me, make this real in my life. I have sinned by omitting you from so many areas of my life, please change me and my heart to seek after you.
“There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.” – Romans 8:1-2

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Fasting: Week One (TV)
"Some have exalted religious fasting beyond all Scripture and reason; and others have utterly disregarded it." John Wesley
I would say that our culture is a culture that completely disregards the spiritual discipline of fasting. In our Small Groups at the church that I attend we have been challenged to examine our prayer life, and make prayer a priority. Over the past few weeks I have drawn closer to God in prayer, and have really seen the life-altering impact that daily prayer has on my life (especially in the mornings!) I find myself praying throughout the day, enjoying my communion with with God while I eat my breakfast, turn on my computer at work in the morning, speak with a frustrating client, and come home weary and hungry. Prayer has sustained me the last few weeks, and I’m so thankful for my Small Group for the encouragement and accountability that I have been receiving, and for the my gracious and loving Father, who has been patiently guiding me and giving me the strength and desire to seek him daily.
Scripture is clear that prayer is to be a part of our daily walk with Christ:
“rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18) – wow this verse is such an encouragement, even as I type it out!
Back to fasting, I truly believe that fasting is something that God calls us to do prayerfully, and continually in our walk with Christ, as guided by the Holy Spirit. Especially in the culture that we live in, one of instant gratification, selfishness, and abounding idolatry, fasting is a much needed spiritual discipline.
Scripture also makes it clear that fasting is not an option; it’s needed for spiritual growth as a Christian:
“I sat down and wept and mourned for days, and I continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven” (Nehemiah 1:4)
“Then I proclaimed a fast there, at the river Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from him a safe journey for ourselves, our children, and all our goods.” (Ezra 8: 21)
“ the days will come when the bridgegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.” (Matthew 9:15)
And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6: 16- 18)
I know that there are idols within my heart, and things that I enjoy in my life that could potentially become idols. I feel that by committing time to prayer, and fasting from these potential idols, God will and challenge me in unbelievable ways.
Monday marked the beginning of a four-week journey that I am taking. There are a few things in my life that have the potential to take-over my life. Four of these potential-idols are: food, money, facebook, and TV. This week I am fasting from TV, and God has already been teaching me and growing me during this time.
Today marks the third-day of being TV-free, and about an hour ago I just finished a book that I started on Monday. Normally it would take me about 2 weeks to finish a book that took me only 3 days. I’m so thankful for the rest that I have found in Jesus, for the time I get to spend in prayer, and for the joy that has been literally consuming me.
I’m sure there will be spiritual attacks, and I am praying that Christ gives me the strength, and teaches me through this process. Please pray for me as well. Today at work I shared my love for Jesus with an individual at work. Tonight I went out and bought him a Bible. I’m nervous to give him the Bible, he didn’t seek all too interested when I spoke with him earlier today. But, I feel the Spirit moving me to do this.
I hope this encourages you to think about the idols or potential idols in your life. I don’t claim to be an “expert” on fasting, since this is truly one of the first times that I have seriously fasted, but Christ has been giving me the strength through this all.
Oh, and stay tuned for next week. I’ll be fasting from facebook. I’m already wishing I could re-consider!
To HIM be the glory. Amen.
I would say that our culture is a culture that completely disregards the spiritual discipline of fasting. In our Small Groups at the church that I attend we have been challenged to examine our prayer life, and make prayer a priority. Over the past few weeks I have drawn closer to God in prayer, and have really seen the life-altering impact that daily prayer has on my life (especially in the mornings!) I find myself praying throughout the day, enjoying my communion with with God while I eat my breakfast, turn on my computer at work in the morning, speak with a frustrating client, and come home weary and hungry. Prayer has sustained me the last few weeks, and I’m so thankful for my Small Group for the encouragement and accountability that I have been receiving, and for the my gracious and loving Father, who has been patiently guiding me and giving me the strength and desire to seek him daily.
Scripture is clear that prayer is to be a part of our daily walk with Christ:
“rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18) – wow this verse is such an encouragement, even as I type it out!
Back to fasting, I truly believe that fasting is something that God calls us to do prayerfully, and continually in our walk with Christ, as guided by the Holy Spirit. Especially in the culture that we live in, one of instant gratification, selfishness, and abounding idolatry, fasting is a much needed spiritual discipline.
Scripture also makes it clear that fasting is not an option; it’s needed for spiritual growth as a Christian:
“I sat down and wept and mourned for days, and I continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven” (Nehemiah 1:4)
“Then I proclaimed a fast there, at the river Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from him a safe journey for ourselves, our children, and all our goods.” (Ezra 8: 21)
“ the days will come when the bridgegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.” (Matthew 9:15)
And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6: 16- 18)
I know that there are idols within my heart, and things that I enjoy in my life that could potentially become idols. I feel that by committing time to prayer, and fasting from these potential idols, God will and challenge me in unbelievable ways.
Monday marked the beginning of a four-week journey that I am taking. There are a few things in my life that have the potential to take-over my life. Four of these potential-idols are: food, money, facebook, and TV. This week I am fasting from TV, and God has already been teaching me and growing me during this time.
Today marks the third-day of being TV-free, and about an hour ago I just finished a book that I started on Monday. Normally it would take me about 2 weeks to finish a book that took me only 3 days. I’m so thankful for the rest that I have found in Jesus, for the time I get to spend in prayer, and for the joy that has been literally consuming me.
I’m sure there will be spiritual attacks, and I am praying that Christ gives me the strength, and teaches me through this process. Please pray for me as well. Today at work I shared my love for Jesus with an individual at work. Tonight I went out and bought him a Bible. I’m nervous to give him the Bible, he didn’t seek all too interested when I spoke with him earlier today. But, I feel the Spirit moving me to do this.
I hope this encourages you to think about the idols or potential idols in your life. I don’t claim to be an “expert” on fasting, since this is truly one of the first times that I have seriously fasted, but Christ has been giving me the strength through this all.
Oh, and stay tuned for next week. I’ll be fasting from facebook. I’m already wishing I could re-consider!
To HIM be the glory. Amen.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
A Miracle In My Life!
I thought I would take some time to share a little “miracle” that has happened in my life recently.
These past few months have been a huge time of change for me. I got engaged, set the date for our wedding (May 7, 2011), and started working full-time. This has been such a joy-filled time in my life, but with change comes a lot of fear and uncertainty. My current job has also added a lot of stress since it’s low-paying and demanding. Towards the end of the summer I prayed for a new job, and applied like crazy to every job opening that I found. I have never had a hard time finding a job, but I didn’t get one call back from the jobs that I applied to. I finally decided to stick it out, and try to move my way up in the company.
A month ago I asked for a permanent position. My contract ends at the end of October, and I needed to figure out what my plans were going to be, especially since I’m getting married so soon. I was offered a permanent position, but was never told any details about my salary. This was an extremely frustrating time for me, and I prayed so much that my new position would have a reasonable wage. I began to do some calculations, and decided that I didn’t need to make too much to survive in our first year of marriage. I began praying for a specific hourly wage. I remained patient, waiting for my boss to approach me, and continued in prayer for God’s Will.
I prayed for my specific wage for about 10 days. On Thursday I got called into my boss’s office and was offered a promotion to the Finance Department, and a junior salary. The salary amount worked out to be exactly the hourly wage that I had been praying for. I could not believe it! I went to the bathroom and cried and thanked Jesus.
After a few hours my euphoria wore off and I began to worry. I began thinking, is this going to be enough? We will have to make huge sacrifices in our first year of marriage with Daniel studying full-time. I began to worry about money, and stress about every little thought that creeped into my mind. I spent most of my weekend calculating costs, and became irritable and unkind to my fiancĂ©. Instead of joyfully celebrating God’s provision in our lives, I was ungrateful and worried.
For the past 2 days I have gone back to praying, since worrying wasn’t working out so well for me. I’ve chosen to cling to God’s Word instead of my calculator. When a fear creeps up in my mind I close my eyes and give my worrisome thought to God.
I know it’s unusual to talk about wages on a blog, I feel kind of awkward even sharing this news. But, it’s important, and God displays his grace and his provision in all things. If God loved me enough to die on the cross for me, why would he not provide me with enough money to pay for my school debt, or pay for my rent and car insurance?
I can already see that money can potentially weasel its way into my marriage, and I confess that this weekend I allowed it to consume me. But, nothing is under my control, and God is so clearly in control of every aspect of my life. I want to commit my time to giving Jesus praise, to worshiping him while I’m at work or at home, and my surrendering everything to him.
This week has been a huge learning experience for me. God has been planting so many seeds in my heart and I’m confident that through studying his word and going before him in prayer he will grow in me patience, and trust in Him. I just wanted to share the joy that I have in Christ, and the reason for my joy is the loving and patient Father that we have in heaven. He is so awesome to teach us great lessons and bring us joy through it all.
These past few months have been a huge time of change for me. I got engaged, set the date for our wedding (May 7, 2011), and started working full-time. This has been such a joy-filled time in my life, but with change comes a lot of fear and uncertainty. My current job has also added a lot of stress since it’s low-paying and demanding. Towards the end of the summer I prayed for a new job, and applied like crazy to every job opening that I found. I have never had a hard time finding a job, but I didn’t get one call back from the jobs that I applied to. I finally decided to stick it out, and try to move my way up in the company.
A month ago I asked for a permanent position. My contract ends at the end of October, and I needed to figure out what my plans were going to be, especially since I’m getting married so soon. I was offered a permanent position, but was never told any details about my salary. This was an extremely frustrating time for me, and I prayed so much that my new position would have a reasonable wage. I began to do some calculations, and decided that I didn’t need to make too much to survive in our first year of marriage. I began praying for a specific hourly wage. I remained patient, waiting for my boss to approach me, and continued in prayer for God’s Will.
I prayed for my specific wage for about 10 days. On Thursday I got called into my boss’s office and was offered a promotion to the Finance Department, and a junior salary. The salary amount worked out to be exactly the hourly wage that I had been praying for. I could not believe it! I went to the bathroom and cried and thanked Jesus.
After a few hours my euphoria wore off and I began to worry. I began thinking, is this going to be enough? We will have to make huge sacrifices in our first year of marriage with Daniel studying full-time. I began to worry about money, and stress about every little thought that creeped into my mind. I spent most of my weekend calculating costs, and became irritable and unkind to my fiancĂ©. Instead of joyfully celebrating God’s provision in our lives, I was ungrateful and worried.
For the past 2 days I have gone back to praying, since worrying wasn’t working out so well for me. I’ve chosen to cling to God’s Word instead of my calculator. When a fear creeps up in my mind I close my eyes and give my worrisome thought to God.
I know it’s unusual to talk about wages on a blog, I feel kind of awkward even sharing this news. But, it’s important, and God displays his grace and his provision in all things. If God loved me enough to die on the cross for me, why would he not provide me with enough money to pay for my school debt, or pay for my rent and car insurance?
I can already see that money can potentially weasel its way into my marriage, and I confess that this weekend I allowed it to consume me. But, nothing is under my control, and God is so clearly in control of every aspect of my life. I want to commit my time to giving Jesus praise, to worshiping him while I’m at work or at home, and my surrendering everything to him.
This week has been a huge learning experience for me. God has been planting so many seeds in my heart and I’m confident that through studying his word and going before him in prayer he will grow in me patience, and trust in Him. I just wanted to share the joy that I have in Christ, and the reason for my joy is the loving and patient Father that we have in heaven. He is so awesome to teach us great lessons and bring us joy through it all.
Monday, October 11, 2010
10 Things I'm Thankful For
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought that I would share 10 things that I am thankful for.
1. My God. I am so thankful for the relationship that I have with my Lord, Jesus Christ. Some days I forget what my purpose is, but God is so good at bringing me back to Him, my purpose and my life. My life is never filled with more joy than when my whole heart, soul, and mind is focused on bringing glory to my Father. I’m so thankful that I no longer have to live feeling alone and purposeless. Thank you for being my one true love Jesus!
2. My Beloved. It has been 1.5 years since I met my beloved, Daniel. Over time we have grown to know each other better than anyone else. I’m honoured that Daniel is going to become my husband in 7 months, and that we can begin our life together as one. I’m thankful that God knew exactly what I needed in a man, and allowed me to marry him and serve him. I feel like there is no one on earth more perfect for me, and I'm honoured to share my Thanksgiving with my # 2, Daniel.
As a side note, today I wasn’t respectful or loving to Daniel. By disrespecting Daniel, I was also disrespecting our Lord. I’m sorry to both my God and Daniel for being selfish and unthankful. I love the forgiveness that I can find in Jesus, and that Daniel is so quick to forgive me when I make mistakes.
3. My Family. I’m so thankful for my family, namely my mother. She has done so much for me over the past 21 years, and I love that I get to learn more about her the older that I get. Yesterday she was teasing me about something and I told her that I was going to remove her from my 10 things I’m thankful for. I hope you know Mom that I was only joking! I don’t tell you enough how thankful I am for you, how much you teach me about life, and how honoured I am to call you my Mama Bear!
4. The Bible. I went through a period in my life as a Christian where I did not read my Bible. During this time my life took a turn for the worse. I truly believe that Christ sustains me through his Word. I’m so thankful for Scripture, and how accessible different Bibles and translations are in Canada. I have learned so much from God’s Word, and have become stronger in my walk with Christ the more that I read and study his Word.
5. Cooking. I never used to like cooking. It has only been over the past year or so that I have began to cook and actually make meals that I am proud of. I’m so thankful for my Mother (again) who has taught me how to cook and introduced me to many recipes. I love creating tasty and beautiful meals, and I pray that I can continue to do so and learn more about the craft of cooking along the way!
6. Theology. Two years ago if somebody had told me that they loved Theology I would have laughed. First of all, I would have laughed because I would have thought that they were a complete nerd. Second of all, I would have laughed because I felt awkward about not knowing what the word “Theology” means. Two years later, I have a Religious Studies Degree (well, I still have one more class to take), and I am in love with theology. I love reading about theology and doctrine, and studying scripture to allow God to convict me about my bad theology and re-confirm my good theology. Today names like Mark Driscoll, Randy Alcorn, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, John Piper, and Don Carson excite me. I’m so thankful that God has given me a new passion that I never even knew existed!
7. My Friends. I will be the first to admit that I do not have a lot of friends. But, the friends that I do have are life-time friends, and I love them so much. I’m so thankful for my best friend Ashley, who lives on the other side of the country, but talks to me almost daily. For friends like Johanna, who prove that cousins can have a real friendship and love each other like sisters. For friends like Morgan who make me laugh so much no matter what kind of day I’m having. For friends like Danielle who share such an intimate connection that nothing will ever break. For beautiful friends like Charelle who encourage me to live a life of godliness. For friends (and a sister) like Allie who bring out the goofiness in me. I’m thankful for all of my friends, nuff said!
8. Writing. I’m thankful that I have this blog, and that God has given me a passion to write. Ever since I was in elementary school I have wanted to be a writer. Lately I feel a tug at my heart to pursue writing more seriously, and I pray that if this is God’s Will that I would only write to bring God Glory. Thank you Jesus for the gift of words, may my words be used to bring others closer to you.
9. Christian Ministries. There are a few Christian ministries that have changed my life and the way that I view the world. To name a few: Campus for Christ Ministries, Compassion Canada, Eternal Perspective Ministries, The Resurgence, and Desiring God. These Ministries may focus on different things, but all have a common purpose: Sharing the Good News of Jesus. I will be writing a blog shortly about my view on Generous giving to ministries close to your heart, and these are just a few ministries that are close to mine. I’m thankful for all that God is doing in our world, and that I get to be a small part of some of these ministries.
10. The Cross. I would not be writing this blog if it was not for the Cross. Were it not for the Cross I would not have this joy in my heart, and I would not be focusing on thankfulness today. Jesus Christ paid the price for my sin, and because of the blood that he shed on the Cross I am free from the bondage of sin and the suffering induced by my sin. Thank you Jesus for forgiving my sin, for paying my debt, and for giving me eternal life. I do not deserve the life that I have, but Jesus has made this life of mine possible. I’m thankful and undeserving of such a beautiful gift. I pray that my lifetime will be spent pursuing Jesus, and sharing my hope with others.
Now it’s your turn. What are you thankful for?
1. My God. I am so thankful for the relationship that I have with my Lord, Jesus Christ. Some days I forget what my purpose is, but God is so good at bringing me back to Him, my purpose and my life. My life is never filled with more joy than when my whole heart, soul, and mind is focused on bringing glory to my Father. I’m so thankful that I no longer have to live feeling alone and purposeless. Thank you for being my one true love Jesus!
2. My Beloved. It has been 1.5 years since I met my beloved, Daniel. Over time we have grown to know each other better than anyone else. I’m honoured that Daniel is going to become my husband in 7 months, and that we can begin our life together as one. I’m thankful that God knew exactly what I needed in a man, and allowed me to marry him and serve him. I feel like there is no one on earth more perfect for me, and I'm honoured to share my Thanksgiving with my # 2, Daniel.
As a side note, today I wasn’t respectful or loving to Daniel. By disrespecting Daniel, I was also disrespecting our Lord. I’m sorry to both my God and Daniel for being selfish and unthankful. I love the forgiveness that I can find in Jesus, and that Daniel is so quick to forgive me when I make mistakes.
3. My Family. I’m so thankful for my family, namely my mother. She has done so much for me over the past 21 years, and I love that I get to learn more about her the older that I get. Yesterday she was teasing me about something and I told her that I was going to remove her from my 10 things I’m thankful for. I hope you know Mom that I was only joking! I don’t tell you enough how thankful I am for you, how much you teach me about life, and how honoured I am to call you my Mama Bear!
4. The Bible. I went through a period in my life as a Christian where I did not read my Bible. During this time my life took a turn for the worse. I truly believe that Christ sustains me through his Word. I’m so thankful for Scripture, and how accessible different Bibles and translations are in Canada. I have learned so much from God’s Word, and have become stronger in my walk with Christ the more that I read and study his Word.
5. Cooking. I never used to like cooking. It has only been over the past year or so that I have began to cook and actually make meals that I am proud of. I’m so thankful for my Mother (again) who has taught me how to cook and introduced me to many recipes. I love creating tasty and beautiful meals, and I pray that I can continue to do so and learn more about the craft of cooking along the way!
6. Theology. Two years ago if somebody had told me that they loved Theology I would have laughed. First of all, I would have laughed because I would have thought that they were a complete nerd. Second of all, I would have laughed because I felt awkward about not knowing what the word “Theology” means. Two years later, I have a Religious Studies Degree (well, I still have one more class to take), and I am in love with theology. I love reading about theology and doctrine, and studying scripture to allow God to convict me about my bad theology and re-confirm my good theology. Today names like Mark Driscoll, Randy Alcorn, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, John Piper, and Don Carson excite me. I’m so thankful that God has given me a new passion that I never even knew existed!
7. My Friends. I will be the first to admit that I do not have a lot of friends. But, the friends that I do have are life-time friends, and I love them so much. I’m so thankful for my best friend Ashley, who lives on the other side of the country, but talks to me almost daily. For friends like Johanna, who prove that cousins can have a real friendship and love each other like sisters. For friends like Morgan who make me laugh so much no matter what kind of day I’m having. For friends like Danielle who share such an intimate connection that nothing will ever break. For beautiful friends like Charelle who encourage me to live a life of godliness. For friends (and a sister) like Allie who bring out the goofiness in me. I’m thankful for all of my friends, nuff said!
8. Writing. I’m thankful that I have this blog, and that God has given me a passion to write. Ever since I was in elementary school I have wanted to be a writer. Lately I feel a tug at my heart to pursue writing more seriously, and I pray that if this is God’s Will that I would only write to bring God Glory. Thank you Jesus for the gift of words, may my words be used to bring others closer to you.
9. Christian Ministries. There are a few Christian ministries that have changed my life and the way that I view the world. To name a few: Campus for Christ Ministries, Compassion Canada, Eternal Perspective Ministries, The Resurgence, and Desiring God. These Ministries may focus on different things, but all have a common purpose: Sharing the Good News of Jesus. I will be writing a blog shortly about my view on Generous giving to ministries close to your heart, and these are just a few ministries that are close to mine. I’m thankful for all that God is doing in our world, and that I get to be a small part of some of these ministries.
10. The Cross. I would not be writing this blog if it was not for the Cross. Were it not for the Cross I would not have this joy in my heart, and I would not be focusing on thankfulness today. Jesus Christ paid the price for my sin, and because of the blood that he shed on the Cross I am free from the bondage of sin and the suffering induced by my sin. Thank you Jesus for forgiving my sin, for paying my debt, and for giving me eternal life. I do not deserve the life that I have, but Jesus has made this life of mine possible. I’m thankful and undeserving of such a beautiful gift. I pray that my lifetime will be spent pursuing Jesus, and sharing my hope with others.
Now it’s your turn. What are you thankful for?
Monday, October 4, 2010
Abortion: A tough blog to read, but probably even tougher to write.
When I was a teenager I went to a Teen Health Clinic. I went because I was too scared and embarrassed to go to my family doctor to get what I will call, a “female check-up”. When I was there I had two terrifying experiences. As I waited for my turn in the clinic, I watched many teen girls come in and out of the clinic. I even got to hear some of their stories. The most vivid memory I have from my visit at the clinic was the time I spent talking with a 15-year-old girl that had already had 2 abortions. This was my first terrifying experience. I’m not sure why she was in the clinic, but it could very possibly have been her third abortion. I felt horrified at she told me about the abortions she had. She seemed so calm about the fact that she has terminated two pregnancies, extinguished the life of two precious children.
Looking back my heart aches for those two children. But, my heart also aches for that girl. I have no doubt that behind that confidant facade, that young girl was breaking inside. There is no possible way that anyone can walk away from an abortion and be unchanged. This brings me to my second terrifying experience while at the clinic. I was told countless times by various nurses I spoke with that day that I too would become pregnant. I was not pregnant at the time, but the women assured me that like many of the young women I had seen that day, I too would become one of them if I did not stop what I was doing. I remember feeling horrified at the thought of being pregnant. At the thought of making the horrible choice to raise my child, give my child away..or abort my child.
When I left the clinic I didn’t change.
Now, I’m 21-years-old, and I’m getting married in 7 months. Lately a maternal instinct that I never had before has been stirring within me. I’m no longer at a point in my life where having a child scares me, where I have to consider giving up my child, or aborting him or her. But, I was at that point, and I did think those thoughts. This is why I feel empathy for all of the young women out there that have to make this tough decision. I acknowledge that this is a tough decision, not because it should be, but because the pressures of this world and of other people make it that way. Abortion is legal in Canada, it is supported by doctors, nurses, teachers, and even our parents. But, it should not be this way.
I feel so strongly about this issue because it is so close to my heart, and the experiences I have had in life. When I was a teenager I was told by health professionals that I would become pregnant. I didn’t listen to their warnings, and I didn’t get pregnant. However, I often think why? My answer: because it was God’s Will. Had I become pregnant, it is likely that I may have had an abortion. If I had an abortion, I’m not so sure I would be the same person I am today, I am not even sure if I would be. I believe that God has a plan for me, and even though I didn’t listen to Him for most of my teenage years, He was there for me. This is why I need to stand up, and say something.
Thank you Jesus for protecting me from disease, death, and pregnancy. Please use my words to heal other women who have had to make these tough decisions. If you are reading this, and you have made the wrong decisions in the past, that doesn’t mean that your whole life has to be defined by wrong decisions. I would love to pray for you. There is healing in Jesus Christ. He nailed our sin to the cross, and paid the price for my sin and yours. I believe that all aborted children are in heaven with our Lord. Wouldn’t it be awful if you didn’t get to see your child because you didn’t respond to the Cross?
Please contact me if you need prayer. I would love to hear your story.
Looking back my heart aches for those two children. But, my heart also aches for that girl. I have no doubt that behind that confidant facade, that young girl was breaking inside. There is no possible way that anyone can walk away from an abortion and be unchanged. This brings me to my second terrifying experience while at the clinic. I was told countless times by various nurses I spoke with that day that I too would become pregnant. I was not pregnant at the time, but the women assured me that like many of the young women I had seen that day, I too would become one of them if I did not stop what I was doing. I remember feeling horrified at the thought of being pregnant. At the thought of making the horrible choice to raise my child, give my child away..or abort my child.
When I left the clinic I didn’t change.
Now, I’m 21-years-old, and I’m getting married in 7 months. Lately a maternal instinct that I never had before has been stirring within me. I’m no longer at a point in my life where having a child scares me, where I have to consider giving up my child, or aborting him or her. But, I was at that point, and I did think those thoughts. This is why I feel empathy for all of the young women out there that have to make this tough decision. I acknowledge that this is a tough decision, not because it should be, but because the pressures of this world and of other people make it that way. Abortion is legal in Canada, it is supported by doctors, nurses, teachers, and even our parents. But, it should not be this way.
I feel so strongly about this issue because it is so close to my heart, and the experiences I have had in life. When I was a teenager I was told by health professionals that I would become pregnant. I didn’t listen to their warnings, and I didn’t get pregnant. However, I often think why? My answer: because it was God’s Will. Had I become pregnant, it is likely that I may have had an abortion. If I had an abortion, I’m not so sure I would be the same person I am today, I am not even sure if I would be. I believe that God has a plan for me, and even though I didn’t listen to Him for most of my teenage years, He was there for me. This is why I need to stand up, and say something.
Thank you Jesus for protecting me from disease, death, and pregnancy. Please use my words to heal other women who have had to make these tough decisions. If you are reading this, and you have made the wrong decisions in the past, that doesn’t mean that your whole life has to be defined by wrong decisions. I would love to pray for you. There is healing in Jesus Christ. He nailed our sin to the cross, and paid the price for my sin and yours. I believe that all aborted children are in heaven with our Lord. Wouldn’t it be awful if you didn’t get to see your child because you didn’t respond to the Cross?
Please contact me if you need prayer. I would love to hear your story.
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