Monday, February 15, 2010

"I do not permit women to teach"

This Sunday at Harvest Oakville our pastor taught on 1 Timothy 2:8-15. At Harvest we are currently going through 1 Timothy in its entirety. The material presented in these verses are heavy, and unpopular. Most pastors would never choose to teach on such a passage, however, going through 1 Timothy verse by verse has forced Pastor Robbie and our entire church family to confront issues we normally wouldn't.

In my post I'd like to focus on the verses concerning women.
1 Timothy 2:9-14
Women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works. Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. 

Modesty (V.9-10): As women representing Christ we should be cautious of our dress and our behaviour. This doesn't mean not taking care of ourselves, especially if we're married, for our husbands. However, being discerning about what is appropriate to wear is really important for Christian women. 
Self-Control: This is especially referring to self-controlled sexual passions. When we choose to sin, we are choosing suffering, death, and separation from God. This subject is so important, but it also requires a certain amount of graciousness and love. If you are engaged in inappropriate sexual behaviour (and this isn't just limited to intercourse and oral sex) please find help. I've been in this situation, and getting out of it alone is nearly impossible. It's so important to find Christian WOMEN to pray for you, encourage you, and edify you. Not only is it possible for you to end the cycle of sexual sin, it's also the only way to be freed from the specific type of idolatry that you're engaged in.
Godliness: This is specifically referring to the fear of the Lord. If you don't have self-control and modesty than you aren't displaying the character and conduct of godliness. If your heart is concerned with the Kingdom of God, and if your actions display that, than you are a godly woman.

Now, here's for the really tough stuff. The different roles of men and women are discussed in these verses. 

Women are to: Be students of the Word of God, however, they are not permitted to teach or preach with authority in God's Word over men (this means pastors or elders).

Objections: It's highly likely that if you're reading this your flesh is going to be objecting. How can women be unable to teach the Gospel? We're just as competent! This is unfair and unjust! God doesn't approve of inequality!

Please listen to what I have to say. Please prayerfully consider my words, and take your worries to the Father. He loves you, and he doesn't approve of inequality. But, this isn't about inequality, it's about the divine design of manhood and womanhood.

A) Paul's writing don't count: This claim is pretty heretical for a Christian (sorry just being truthful). How can you dismiss part of Paul's teachings and approve others? If you're going to pick and choose then it takes all credibility away from the Gospel.
B) This passage is for one particular cultural situation (1st Cent not 21st Cent): This claim is false, because in 1 Timothy 2:13, Paul roots his demands in creation itself. He is appealing for the command of God for humanity. God's design, from the creation of Adam and Eve, was for men and women to have different but complementary roles. This does not change with culture, rather it transcends culture.
C) This is an unique text in scripture: The Bible itself is an example of overwhelming male leadership. Jesus himself chose 12 male disciples. There are also many different verses in the New Testament that reflect these same ideals.
D) Galatians 3:28 says, "there is neither male nor female.": If you interpret this text as saying there is no difference between men and women then you have misinterpreted the context. If you're unfamiliar with this verse you should read it on your own. The context of this verse is about the fact that salvation has no partiality. It doesn't matter if you're Jew or Gentile, Slave or Free, Male or Female, all have access to the Grace of God. This does not diminish the roles of men and women. This verse was written by Paul, so why would he completely contradict his own ideals from 1 Timothy?

This is a lot to consider. However, it's an important issue to think about. I can't convince you of the biblical roles of manhood and womanhood, only the Father can. Please go to him in humble submission and ask him to reveal his truth to you. I know he'd be more than happy to.


  1. Good for you, girl!!
    You cover a lot but this is basically what I learnt in a study we did last year. It's sometimes tough to swallow Paul's direct instructions but its filled with so much truth and purpose. Its funny how we make the simple things so difficult.

  2. Very well written and thought provoking!

  3. Thanks for the comments Danielle and Jason (I'm assuming you're my brother Jason..)

    Really tough stuff that I truly believe only God can convince you of.
