It’s been two months since my last post! Preparing for our wedding has been often draining emotionally and physically. I have been struggling this summer with feeling joy in the Holy Spirit.
This afternoon I watched an amazing sermon that I think will be helpful to many people. The sermon is titled “Jesus Rejoices in the Holy Spirit”. Towards the end of the Sermon, Pastor Mark Driscoll outlines 10 ways we can rejoice in the Holy Spirit. I could relate to every single suggestion, and thought that I would share them to you too.
My Joy in the Holy Spirit increases when...
1. I spent sufficient time in the Scriptures he wrote.
I find that having a plan is crucial when studying Scripture. If your “plan” is to open the Bible every day and read whatever page your Bible opens to...your Bible will never be opened. For some helpful Bible-reading plans click here. If your excuse is that you’re too busy (and trust me, I’ve tried that one before too) here are some statistics:
• The average Canadian spends 2.5 hours a day on the internet
• In one year, you can read the Bible in its entirety by spending just 12.5 minutes a day in God’s Word.
2. I repent of sin he has convicted me of.
This is something I struggle with so much. I need to be repenting of anything in my life that does not glorify God, and I need to continually repent!
3. I serve with the gifts God has given me.
Instead of worrying about others not serving me, I need to shift my focus on serving others.
4. I forgive those who sin against me and pray for my enemies (Ephesians 4).
I have found over the last few months that my attitude towards those that have hurt me has caused me to become bitter and hard-hearted. Simply praying for those that have caused hurt in my life has created a joy that was not possible before.
5. I enjoy what I have and give generously.
Where your treasure is, your heart will also be. When you invest in a ministry financially you will also care about this ministry. Find a ministry that you love and put your treasure there. For a great interview with one of the most generous people on earth, Randy Alcorn, click here.
6. I pay attention to my health.
This one is huge for me right now, I need to eat healthier and introduce daily exercise into my life.
7. I remind myself that Joy is one emotion that God gives.
Our lives will not always be filled with joy, and there will be seasons of sorrow. But, it’s also important to seek out moments of joy, even in these seasons. Similarly, sometimes we make our own sorrow by focusing on the negative or clinging to injustice. If we forgive and seek Christ we will be freed from our own embitterment.
8. I rejoice in the joy of others.
Instead of coveting others experiences or joys, be glad for them. By rejoicing with others we introduce joy into our own lives.
9. I respond physically and the emotion will follow.
I have a confession to make. Nearly every Sunday I wake up not wanting to go to church. I’d rather cozy into my bed and fall back asleep. But, every single Sunday that I go to church, I find joy in communion with other believers and the message that is spoken. Similarily, often it takes me awhile to read my Bible. I get distracted, and my Bible becomes my last priority. But, every single time that I open my Bible I find so much joy in God’s Word.
10. I plan fun and capture sacred moments as they come.
Take a day off and enjoy it with someone that you love, if you find that you’re experiencing a particularly stressful season plan for a day that you can enjoy with your friend or spouse. A few weeks ago I was feeling particularly down. I decided to spend the day with Daniel (my fiancĂ©) and make cake balls. Although the cake balls turned out kind of gross, the experience of spending the day and doing something different brought joy into my life. Although baking cake balls may not seem intriguing to you and your loved ones, something is, and you should plan to enjoy it!